
The electron microscopy group houses several types of electron and light microscopes. We have different types of hardware and software implemented for correlative light and electron microscopy.

  • Talos Arctica

    Talos Arctica cryo electron microsope equipped with a Gatan Bioquantum and K3 direct electron detector. Tis micorcsope is used for single particle cryo electron microscopy and cryo electron tomography.

  • Zeiss gemini SEM 300

    The Zeiss Gemini SEM is a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for imaging of micro structures. The microscope is equipped with the Gatan 3View system to image 3D ultrastructure using serial block-face imaging. Furthermore the system is also equipped with the Zeiss Atlas V system to allow imaging of serial sections in a non destructive manner. 

  • FEi T12 Spirit Twin

    The FEI Tecnai 12 Twin is a 120 kV TEM with a LaB6 filament and an FEI Eagle 4k x 4K CCD camera and is equipped with a Fischione HAADF STEM detector. Like the other TEMS this microscope runs in-house developed software for automated scanning of specimen grids and can perform cryo electron microscopy and tomography.

  • Zeiss Axio Imager with Linkam Freezing Stage

    The Zeiss Axio Image M2 is equipped with the Linkam CMS196M cryo correlative microscopy stage, which is controlled by Zeiss Zen software. It is specifically setup for automated cryo-CLEM imaging. It is capable of performing automated multi-color, z-stack recording and recording tile-scan overviews.

Collaborate with us

Please contact us if you are interested in a scientific collaboration, electron microscopy services, or would like to be trained. 

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